Best and Cheap European Node.js v12 Hosting – Dedicated Server

What is Node.js?

Node.js (Node) is an I/O environment built on top of Google Chrome’s JavaScript runtime — essentially, a server-side implementation of JavaScript. Node’s asynchronous, event-driven I/O model makes it easy for developers with JavaScript knowledge to build high-performing, scalable, and highly concurrent web applications rapidly and run them in the cloud.

What is New in Node.js v12?

Notable Changes

  • assert:
    • validate required arguments (Ruben Bridgewater) #26641
    • adjust loose assertions (Ruben Bridgewater) #25008
  • async_hooks:
    • remove deprecated emitBefore and emitAfter (Matteo Collina) #26530
    • remove promise object from resource (Andreas Madsen) #23443
  • bootstrap: make Buffer and process non-enumerable (Ruben Bridgewater) #24874
  • buffer:
    • use stricter range checks (Ruben Bridgewater) #27045
    • harden SlowBuffer creation (ZYSzys) #26272
    • harden validation of buffer allocation size (ZYSzys) #26162
    • do proper error propagation in addon methods (Anna Henningsen) #23939
  • child_process:
    • remove options.customFds (cjihrig) #25279
    • harden fork arguments validation (ZYSzys) #27039
    • use non-infinite maxBuffer defaults (kohta ito) #23027
  • console: don’t use ANSI escape codes when TERM=dumb (Vladislav Kaminsky) #26261
  • crypto:
    • remove legacy native handles (Tobias Nießen) #27011
    • decode missing passphrase errors (Tobias Nießen) #25208
    • remove Cipher.setAuthTag() and Decipher.getAuthTag() (Tobias Nießen) #26249
    • remove deprecated crypto._toBuf() (Tobias Nießen) #25338
    • set DEFAULT\_ENCODING property to non-enumerable (Antoine du Hamel) #23222
  • deps:
    • update V8 to (Michaël Zasso, cjihrig, Refael Ackermann, Anna Henningsen, Ujjwal Sharma) #26685
    • bump minimum icu version to 63 (Ujjwal Sharma) #25852
    • update OpenSSL to 1.1.1b (Sam Roberts, Shigeki Ohtsu) #26327
  • errors: update error name (Ruben Bridgewater) #26738
  • fs:
    • use proper .destroy() implementation for SyncWriteStream (Matteo Collina) #26690
    • improve mode validation (Ruben Bridgewater) #26575
    • harden validation of start option in createWriteStream() (ZYSzys) #25579
    • make writeFile consistent with readFile wrt fd (Sakthipriyan Vairamani (thefourtheye)) #23709
  • http:
    • validate timeout in ClientRequest() (cjihrig) #26214
    • return HTTP 431 on HPE_HEADER_OVERFLOW error (Albert Still) #25605
    • switch default parser to llhttp (Anna Henningsen) #24870
    • Runtime-deprecate outgoingMessage._headers and outgoingMessage._headerNames (Morgan Roderick) #24167
  • lib:
    • remove Atomics.wake() (Gus Caplan) #27033
    • move DTRACE_* probes out of global scope (James M Snell) #26541
    • deprecate _stream_wrap (Sam Roberts) #26245
    • use ES6 class inheritance style (Ruben Bridgewater) #24755
  • module:
    • remove unintended access to deps/ (Anna Henningsen) #25138
    • improve error message for MODULE_NOT_FOUND (Ali Ijaz Sheikh) #25690
    • requireStack property for MODULE_NOT_FOUND (Ali Ijaz Sheikh) #25690
    • remove dead code (Ruben Bridgewater) #26983
    • make require('.') never resolve outside the current directory (Ruben Bridgewater) #26973
    • throw an error for invalid package.json main entries (Ruben Bridgewater) #26823
    • don’t search in require.resolve.paths (cjihrig) #23683
  • net:
    • remove Server.listenFD() (cjihrig) #27127
    • do not add .host and .port properties to DNS error (Ruben Bridgewater) #26751
    • emit “write after end” errors in the next tick (Ouyang Yadong) #24457
    • deprecate _setSimultaneousAccepts() undocumented function (James M Snell) #23760
  • os:
    • implement os.type() using uv_os_uname() (cjihrig) #25659
    • remove os.getNetworkInterfaces() (cjihrig) #25280
  • process:
    • make global.process, global.Buffer getters (Guy Bedford) #26882
    • move DEP0062 (node –debug) to end-of-life (Joyee Cheung) #25828
    • exit on –debug and –debug-brk after option parsing (Joyee Cheung) #25828
    • improve --redirect-warnings handling (Ruben Bridgewater) #24965
  • readline: support TERM=dumb (Vladislav Kaminsky) #26261
  • repl:
    • add welcome message (gengjiawen) #25947
    • fix terminal default setting (Ruben Bridgewater) #26518
    • check colors with .getColorDepth() (Vladislav Kaminsky) #26261
    • deprecate REPLServer.rli (Ruben Bridgewater) #26260
  • src:
    • remove unused INT_MAX constant (Sam Roberts) #27078
    • update NODE_MODULE_VERSION to 72 (Ujjwal Sharma) #26685
    • remove AddPromiseHook() (Anna Henningsen) #26574
    • clean up MultiIsolatePlatform interface (Anna Henningsen) #26384
    • properly configure default heap limits (Ali Ijaz Sheikh) #25576
    • remove icuDataDir from node config (GauthamBanasandra) #24780
  • tls:
    • support TLSv1.3 (Sam Roberts) #26209
    • return correct version from getCipher() (Sam Roberts) #26625
    • check arg types of renegotiate() (Sam Roberts) #25876
    • add code for ERR_TLS_INVALID_PROTOCOL_METHOD (Sam Roberts) #24729
    • emit a warning when servername is an IP address (Rodger Combs) #23329
    • disable TLS v1.0 and v1.1 by default (Ben Noordhuis) #23814
    • remove unused arg to createSecureContext() (Sam Roberts) #24241
    • deprecate Server.prototype.setOptions() (cjihrig) #23820
    • load NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS at startup (Ouyang Yadong) #23354
  • util:
    • remove util.print()util.puts()util.debug() and util.error() (cjihrig) #25377
    • change inspect compact and breakLength default (Ruben Bridgewater) #27109
    • improve inspect edge cases (Ruben Bridgewater) #27109
    • only the first line of the error message (Simon Zünd) #26685
    • don’t set the prototype of callbackified functions (Ruben Bridgewater) #26893
    • rename callbackified function (Ruben Bridgewater) #26893
    • increase function length when using callbackify() (Ruben Bridgewater) #26893
    • prevent tampering with internals in inspect() (Ruben Bridgewater) #26577
    • prevent Proxy traps being triggered by .inspect() (Ruben Bridgewater) #26241
    • prevent leaking internal properties (Ruben Bridgewater) #24971
    • protect against monkeypatched Object prototype for inspect() (Rich Trott) #25953
    • treat format arguments equally (Roman Reiss) #23162
  • win, fs: detect if symlink target is a directory (Bartosz Sosnowski) #23724
  • zlib:
    • throw TypeError if callback is missing (Anna Henningsen) #24929
    • make “bare” constants un-enumerable (Anna Henningsen) #24824

Why You Should Use Node.js?

Node.js is highly customizable server engine getting popular as a mean for JavaScript codes to build real-time web APLs that can run across devices.

It uses the Google Chrome’s v8, one of the finest JavaScript engine for running standalone JavaScript programs. The point to understand here is that Node.js itself is not JavaScript, it is a program for running JavaScript. JavaScript fails to deal with operating system-level sockets and network connectivity issues. Node program is written in C, a language perfectly capable of doing the grunt work and heavy lifting needed for networking. JavaScript is perfectly suitable for sending instructions to C program that can be carried out in the dungeons of your OS.

Node.js contain a build-in library that allows its applications to act as a web server without any software such as HTTP server or IIS
As an asynchronous event-driven framework, Node.js is designed to build scalable network applications.

It provides an event-driven architecture and a non-blocking I/O API that makes it lightweight and efficient, perfect for data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices. Almost no function in Node directly performs I/O, so the process never blocks.

It’s great at micro-requests; at evented I/O. Use Node for quick communication between a web page and a server. These technologies are commonly used for real-time web applications.

Node.js customizable feature make it work OS X, Microsoft Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, NonStop, IBM AIX, IBM System z and IBMi. Its work is hosted and supported by the Node.js Foundation, a Collaborative Project at Linux Foundation.

Node.js lets you do really powerful things without much of hard work. Suppose you have a Node.js program that does a variety of tasks, listens on a TCP port for commands, encodes some images and whatever. With some lines of code, you can add in an HTTP-based web management portal that shows the current status of active tasks. This is EASY to do

Node is getting popular as a server-side platform and is used by IBM, Microsoft, Yahoo!, Walmart, Groupon, SAP, LinkedIn, Rakuten, PayPal, Voxer, and GoDaddy and many more.

Best and Cheap European Node.js v12 Hosting – Dedicated Server

Do you love the Node.js JavaScript platform for building scalable applications on the Web? If so, you might have already learned how to install Node.js on your local box to test things out.

Your next step might be to try to find free Node.js hosting. Hosting your Node.js applications at a web host allows you to share them with the whole world!

When it comes to application hosting, Node.js developers have it easy. This innovative community has spawned several of their own excellent hosting solutions, where basic free-access plans are often readily available.

Many of these shops are also excellent open source citizens, making significant contributions to projects that they like to use – helping to advance the status of tools and best-practices employed by the greater community. is the hosting provider that fully support for multitenancy and application auto-scaling over your own open cloud – establishing a new community space for advancing the state of open source computing.

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