Cheap European Moodle 3.6 Hosting

Cheap European Moodle 3.6 Hosting

What is Moodle?

Moodle is a learning platform designed to provide educators, administrators and learners with a single robust, secure and integrated system to create personalised learning environments. You can download the software onto your own web server or ask one of their knowledgable Moodle Partners to assist you.

Moodle is built by the Moodle project which is led and coordinated by Moodle HQ, an Australian company of 30 developers which is financially supported by a network of over 60 Moodle Partner service companies worldwide.

What is New in Moodle 3.6?

For all users

Improved course overview

Sort, star, hide and display courses more efficiently thanks to the welcome Course overview improvements on your dashboard.

Useful new dashboard blocks

Keep up to date with the Timeline block, the Starred courses block, the Recently accessed courses block and the Recently accessed items block, all available for the dashboard.

New messaging interface

Messaging enhancements bring greater control over who can message you along with the ability to star messages and engage in group messaging.

Nextcloud integration

If enabled by the administrator,a Nextcloud repository may be searched for uploading files to your courses, both as copies or access controlled links.

Clearer privacy links in your profile

Easily see how to contact the PO, request data or account deletion and view a data retention summary page from your profile page.

Hide yourself in the online users block

Monitor courses without being seen by clicking the ‘eye’ against your name in the Online users block.

For teachers

Message your groups

Enable group messaging when setting up groups and from the new messaging interface, start group conversations.

More information on your badges

Support for Open Badges v2.0 spec allows you to add more details when awarding badges.

Record assignment feedback

Media and other file uploads are now permitted when grading assignments, meaning teachers can record their feedback and/or include supporting images or other files.

Quiz improvements

The Drag and drop markers question type is easier to edit, and thanks to the MUA, the Quiz statistics report has improved usability.

Easily find duplicated items

As with courses, duplicated resources are now appended with ‘copy’ so you can easily distinguish between the original and copy.

Hide page last modifed dates

A new option in the Page resource allows you to choose to display or hide the date it was last updated.

For administrators

Privacy enhancements

New settings include optional agreements, bulk handling of data requests, a data summary page and clearer profile privacy links.

Message access control

A new setting in Advanced features lets the admin decide whether or not to enable site wide messaging.

Nextcloud integration

Nextcloud is now available as an OAuth2 service. Users may access a Nextcloud repository and share files as copies or with controlled access.

Context freezing

A new work-in-progress feature accessed from Development/Experimental settings means categories, blocks, courses and content may be set to ‘read-only’.

Paypal support Rupees

Indian rupees may now be displayed as an option for PayPal enrolment.

Control audio/video recording

A new capability specifying who can use the audio and video recording buttons in the Atto editor allows you to control such recordings.

Choose The Right Best European Moodle 3.6 Hosting

When it comes to choosing the best Moodle 3.6 hosting, we’re bound and determined to find out which company is providing the most value. There are some major components that make up a great host in our opinion, and those are Performance, Knowledge, Speed, Reliability of Support, and Pricing and the overall product offering. After reviewed many Moodle hosting provider, we highly recommend ASPHostPortal for your Moodle 3.6 hosting solution.

Host One
per month
30-Days Money Back Guarantee
Unlimited Sites
5 GB Disk Space
60 GB Bandwidth
2 SQL Server db
SQL Server 2008/2012/2014
200 MB SQL Server / db
3 MySQL db
200 MB MySQL /db
200 MB Email Space
Dedicated Application Pool
Support UTF-8 Domains
More Details
Host Two
per month
30-Days Money Back Guarantee
Unlimited Sites
15 GB Disk Space
150GB Bandwidth
4 SQL Server db
SQL Server 2008/2012/2014
500 MB SQL Server / db
6 MySQL db
500 MB MySQL /db
500 MB Email Space
Dedicated Application Pool
Support UTF-8 Domains
More Details
Host Three
per month
30-Days Money Back Guarantee
Unlimited Sites
50 GB Disk Space
500GB Bandwidth
6 SQL Server db
SQL Server 2008/2012/2014
1000 MB SQL Server / db
10 MySQL db
1000 MB MySQL /db
1000 MB Email Space
Dedicated Application Pool
Support UTF-8 Domains
More Details

Without further ado, was one of our top performers, and is especially impressive considering the $5.00 price point for their startup Moodle hosting plan. ASPHostPortal has been offering hosting services for more than 8 years and is a good option if you are looking for shared hosting. They offer great, reliable hosting at an incredibly good price that is hard to beat from a reputable company. Not only that ASPHostPortal also offers very reliable hosting with easy installation of Moodle 3.6, 24/7 support, and a long track record.

The following are some reasons why ASPHostPortal should be your choice.

ASPHostPortal – Uptime & Support Guarantees

They are so confident in their hosting services they will not only provide you with a 30 days money back guarantee, but also they give you a 99.9% uptime guarantee. – Fully Support Moodle

All of their servers run the latest versions of Moodle so they will always be able to support your site. You will install Moodle site for free. ASPHostPortal provides multiple server locations, free CDN and advanced caching options to make both yours and your customers’ experience with Moodle really fast and enjoyable. They also make sure that your Moodle website is safer and better supported than anywhere else. – Expert Support Team

Everything starts with impeccable support. The unmatched knowledge, experience, and dedication of their team truly make them stand out. They understand that people are the most important piece of the service they provide, and that is why they are at the top of the list. You’ll notice the difference the first time you talk to one of their Moodle experts. – Offers Affordable Price

ASPHostPortal offers affordable price for Moodle hosting plan. Customers can start their Moodle site just from $5.00/mo. They are so confident that you will like their service, so they brave to offer a 30 day money back guarantee on hosting fees. Just cancel before 30 days, and they will refund your entire hosting fee. You can get cheaper price with their hosting promotion and free add-ons too, for more information just visits their official site at – World Class Data Center

Their data centers are strategically located around the country to provide their customers with the highest levels of availability, service and support on the market. Their data centers located on US (Washington & Seattle), Netherlands (Amsterdam), Singapore, Hong Kong, United Kingdom (London), Australia (Melbourne), France (Paris), Germany (Frankfurt). Each Data Center is custom designed with raised floors. Each Data Center is equipped with HVAC temperature control systems with separate cooling zones, seismically braced racks, advanced early smoke detection and fire suppression systems. Their Data Centers are supported by some of the most powerful physical security in the business. They have 24/7 video surveillance, security breach alarms and Bio-metric thumb print scanners at every entryway.

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