- Alternate update lengths. Enlist a variety of varied post lengths to keep people educated, engaged, and interested.
- Use hashtags intelligently. (Many use hashtags frivolously and without intent.)
- Make sure any hashtags used contain valuable, pertinent content, and use no more than two hashtags per post.
- Ideal image dimensions: 403 x 403 pixels
- What to do when sharing links:
- Vary the usage of images with link updates to avoid monotony
- Incorporate an equal mix of update types while watching insights to learn what the audience is responding to most
- Ensure each post has the AIDA factor- Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action.
- Make sure when you are engaging you are signed in as your PAGE and not as an individual
- How to post on Facebook pages (via Facebook Help)
- How to schedule posts to appear later (via Facebook Help)
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