WordPress 4.3.1 Tips – Easy to Running a Successful WooCommerce Site
What is WooCommerce?
WooCommerce is an open source e-commerce plugin for WordPress. It is designed for small to large-sized online merchants using WordPress. Launched on September 27, 2011, the plugin quickly became famous for its simplicity to install and customisation and being free in nature.
Why You Should Choose WooCommerce?
If you’re looking to launch your own online store, WooCommerce is a great choice to build your business with. Coupled with WordPress, WooCommerce is a robust and flexible system that puts a range of powerful tools at your disposal to sell your products and services the way you want. And it certainly doesn’t hurt that this full-featured, extendable and widely supported plugin is free to get started with, and that there’s tons of great themes for it on ThemeForest, plugins on CodeCanyon, and more.
How to Build Successful WooCommerce Online Store?
But how do you go from building an online store front to running a successful business? The key is to focus on improving your users’ experience, so that shopping at your site is easy, quick and delightful. Let’s go through a few ideas that you can use today to make shopping a pleasure for your customers, keep your site running smoothly and bring shoppers back time and time again.
Use Great Photos
Getting great pictures of your products are an important step towards getting your customers to browse through, and eventually buy from your store. Source good shots, or arrange to have appealing photographs of your products taken so that users can see the details and finish of your products, and if possible, see them in action too.
Great Copy Goes a Long Way
An online store isn’t just a collection of products and a checkout page: it’s also a showcase for your unique brand, and that’s what customers will be able to connect with. Use copy with a consistent tone of voice to tell your brand’s story and show off your personality—on your About page, in your product descriptions and in complementary content like your blog and help pages.
Create Useful Content
As an online business catering to your specific market, you and your company have a unique experience to share. From the processes you’ve set up to ensure the best quality products, to engaging with customers to learn about their needs, everything you go through in setting up and running your store can form the foundation of your brand blog. From there, you can build upon your blog content by talking about what your brand stands for, what your customers are into and how they can get most out of your products.
Reach Out Regularly With a Newsletter
Email newsletters have been around for ages, and they’re still a favorite mode of communication among marketers who want to reach customers with news about products, offers and events.
Increase Visibility With SEO
As an online business, it’s imperative to ensure that your site and products can be found easily by users on search engines. Taking a few steps towards optimizing your site content for search engines to properly index your store will help improve your ranking on search results and bring in more visitors.
Switch to A Better Web Host
If your website remains slow even after optimizing the code, using a caching plugin, and a CDN, it’s time to move to a better web host with faster servers. You might contact your host and ask them why your website is performing slowly on their server, but if they fail to provide you a specific reason, you can be sure that their servers are slow in the first place.
While choosing a new web host, make sure you don’t make the same common mistakes that most beginners do. A few of my favourite web hosts are: ASPHostPortal.com, UKWindowsHostASP.NET, DiscountService.biz. I recently reviewed ASPHostPortal.com and in my opinion they’re the best shared host out there out of the large lot of hosts I’ve tested. If you’re curious as to why I never had to switch to another host.